 Technical Notes
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TN0006: How to find out relevant versioning information on your Linux system
This technical note explains how to find out the name of your Distribution, the kernel version, the glibc version, the XFree86 version, and the gcc compiler version.
Kernel version
This is, what the command uname is for. Type in uname -s -r, and you have it:
ck@marvin:~ > uname --help
Usage: uname [OPTION]...
Print certain system information.  With no OPTION, same as -s.

  -a, --all        print all information
  -m, --machine    print the machine (hardware) type
  -n, --nodename   print the machine's network node hostname
  -r, --release    print the operating system release
  -s, --sysname    print the operating system name
  -p, --processor  print the host processor type
  -v               print the operating system version
      --help       display this help and exit
      --version    output version information and exit

Report bugs to <bug-sh-utils@gnu.org>.
ck@marvin:~ > uname -s -r
Linux 2.4.4-4GB
ck@marvin:~ >

GCC version
Use the --version option:
ck@marvin:~ > gcc --version
ck@marvin:~ >

GLIBC version
Call the library as a program:
ck@marvin:~ > /lib/libc.so.6
GNU C Library stable release version 2.2.2, by Roland McGrath et al.
Copyright (C) 1992-1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
Compiled by GNU CC version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE).
Compiled on a Linux 2.4.3 system on 2001-05-11.
Available extensions:
        GNU libio by Per Bothner
        crypt add-on version 2.1 by Michael Glad and others
        Berkeley DB glibc 2.1 compat library by Thorsten Kukuk
        linuxthreads-0.9 by Xavier Leroy
        NoVersion patch for broken glibc 2.0 binaries
        libthread_db work sponsored by Alpha Processor Inc
        NIS(YP)/NIS+ NSS modules 0.19 by Thorsten Kukuk
Report bugs using the `glibcbug' script to .
ck@marvin:~ >

X Windows version
Call the X server with the '-version' option:
ck@marvin:~ > XFree86 -version

XFree86 Version 4.0.3 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
Release Date: 16 March 2001
        If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
        newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
        reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: SuSE Linux [ELF] SuSE
Module Loader present
ck@marvin:~ >
If you want to determine the version of an already running XServer, and you have an XFree system available, you can use the xdpyinfo command that comes with XFree. This here is the output I get on a current (as of November 2002) cygwin system:
$ xdpyinfo
name of display:    localhost:0.0
version number:    11.0
vendor string:    The XFree86 Project, Inc
vendor release number:    40200000
XFree86 version: 4.2.0
maximum request size:  4194300 bytes
motion buffer size:  256
bitmap unit, bit order, padding:    32, LSBFirst, 32
image byte order:    LSBFirst
number of supported pixmap formats:    7
supported pixmap formats:
    depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
    depth 4, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
    depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
    depth 15, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
    depth 16, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
    depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
    depth 32, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
keycode range:    minimum 8, maximum 255
focus:  PointerRoot
number of extensions:    21
default screen number:    0
number of screens:    1

screen #0:
  dimensions:    1018x706 pixels (345x239 millimeters)
  resolution:    75x75 dots per inch
  depths (7):    24, 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 32
  root window id:    0x36
  depth of root window:    24 planes
  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:    0x20
  default number of colormap cells:    256
  preallocated pixels:    black 0, white 16777215
  options:    backing-store NO, save-unders NO
  largest cursor:    1018x706
  current input event mask:    0xd0001d
    KeyPressMask             ButtonPressMask          ButtonReleaseMask
    EnterWindowMask          SubstructureRedirectMask PropertyChangeMask
  number of visuals:    2
  default visual id:  0x22
    visual id:    0x22
    class:    TrueColor
    depth:    24 planes
    available colormap entries:    256 per subfield
    red, green, blue masks:    0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff
    significant bits in color specification:    8 bits
    visual id:    0x23
    class:    TrueColor
    depth:    24 planes
    available colormap entries:    256 per subfield
    red, green, blue masks:    0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff
    significant bits in color specification:    8 bits


Distribution Name and Version
This is usually stated when you login. If you are already logged in, try telnet localhost:
ck@marvin:~ > telnet marvin
Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
Connected to marvin.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to SuSE Linux 7.2 (i386) - Kernel 2.4.4-4GB (1).

marvin login: ck
Last login: Wed Aug 22 18:38:19 from localhost
Have a lot of fun...
ck@marvin:~ >

Other approaches
Henning Sprang observed that SuSE distributions write information about themselves into the file /etc/SuSE-release, and that Debian GNU/Linux systems have this information available in /etc/debian_version.
On some systems you can use the dmesg command to show the messages that were written to the screen during bootup. As these messages are stored in a ring buffer, this only works when there were not too many kernel messages after the boot occurred. So you might be out of luck if your system has been up for a longer time. On SuSE systems this will generally give you enough information to determine the distribution and the kernel version.

Putting it all together
So this computer is running SuSE Linux 7.2(i386) with a Kernel 2.4.4-4GB, GCC 2.95.3, and GLIBC 2.2.2.
Standard configurations
Standard out-of-the box installations of popular distributions contain the following combinations:
SuSE 7.2(i386)2.4.4-4GB2.
SuSE 7.0(i386)

Document History
First Version: August 22, 2001
Second Version: March 28, 2000: Added X-Server version recognition
Third Version: July 30, 2002: Added information provided by Henning Sprang
Fourth Version: August 01, 2002: Improved the paragraph about dmesg (thanks again to Henning Sprang)
Fifth Version: November 05, 2002: Added xdpyinfo

If you have any questions, please send e-mail to Carsten Kuckuk at .