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Technical Notes Philip Greenspun once said: "The world would be a better place if people simply wrote down what they know and stuck it on the Web." This is what the following technical notes are all about. TN0017: TADB - Some Notes on my Technical Abbreviations Database : December 31, 2003. This note explains the origin and the inner workings of my Technical Abbreviations Database and makes a snapshot of it available as a ZIP file. TN0016: How to access SAP DB from a Microsoft .NET environment : August 31, 2003. This technical note describes how to access a SAP DB database from a .NET program. TN0015: Upgrading a Power Macintosh 8600/300 to a G3/500/1M and installing Mac OS v.10.2 : April 05, 2003. This technical note describes how to upgrade an old PowerMac 8600/300, which is not capable of running Mac OS X, to a computer that can run OS X, by installing a new CPU card, a new hard disk and some software. TN0014: Setting up Internet telephony over a DSL connection using a D-Link DI-804 Internet router utilizing the H.323 protocol: February 02, 2003. This technical note describes how to set up a standards-based Voice over IP (VoIP) system using a home computer that is connected to the Internet via an ADSL connection and a D-Link DI-804 Firewall / Router. TN0013: Lessons learned while installing the "Tevion Model MD 9415 PC-TV-Radio-Karte mit Stereo Sound": October 05, 2002. This technical note is about what I learned when I installed this TV card in my system under Windows XP and under Linux. TN0012: Setting up an ADSL connection using a D-Link DI-804 as a firewall/router: October 04, 2002. This technical note describes how to set up your system in order to access the Internet in Germany using a D-Link DI-804 Ethernet Broadband Router using Deutsche Telekom's ADSL offer (T-DSL) and the T-Online dsl flat plan with a Microsoft Windows XP Professional computer. TN0011: Ignore Polls!: October 10, 2002. Don't listen to them. They're bad. Why? Well, it's Schopenhauer and Huff at work at the same time. TN0010: Lessons learned while installing SAP DB on SuSE 8.0 Professional: August 12, 2002. This technical notes describes some of the problems I ran into when I installed SAP-DB on a S.u.S.E 8.0 Professional system, and how I solved them. TN0007: How to create a search engine-friendly, very deep, virtual tree of html documents using PHP: October 28, 2001. Making use of an unintuitive property of the CGI interface specification, it is quite easy to create a virtual tree of HTML documents. The problem is keeping search engines from trying to index this tree. TN0006: How to find out relevant versioning information on your Linux system: August 22, 2001. This technical note explains how to find out the name of your Distribution, the kernel version, the glibc version, and the gcc compiler version. TN0005: SID version 1.9#13 compiled for the Win32 platform (part of TenDRA 4.1.2): August 22, 2001. SID is a very powerful parser generator that creates C source code for parsers from given attributed LL(1) grammars. TN0004: Getting TenDRA 4.1.2 compiled on a SuSE 7.1 system: August 22, 2001. This document explains which changes have to be made to the TenDRA-4.1.2.tar.gz file dating back to June 30, 1998 in order to get it compiled on an almost current SuSE 7.1 distribution (kernel 2.2.18, gcc 2.95.2) TN0003: Some thoughts about trust: July 19, 2001. The overlooked question: Which computer do you trust so much that you allow it to decrypt and use your most personal information? The answer to this question determines the architecture of the software you use.. TN0002: A simple generalization of the storage form of Cyberbodies: July 19, 2001. This document proposes a different storage format than TN0001. TN0001: Draft Specification - Implementation of Gelernter Cyberbodies: July 17, 2001. The purpose of this document is to provide a first quick and dirty specification and implementation of cyberbodies with their distributed storage. The code is proof-of-concept only, and the whole purpose of this specification is to clarify goals. Questions? If you have any questions, please send e-mail to Carsten Kuckuk at . |